Thursday, May 13, 2010

Periwinkle Cures

Vincent and Christine Vamp are retiring. For years they have been harvesting wild periwinkle in the eastern uplands of the county.

The cancer drug, vincristine, is made from periwinkle. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of periwinkle to make just a little vincristine. They are too old now, though, to control the wild boars they use to do the harvesting, so they are turning their business over to Jed Bozos, who hopes to find even more ways that periwinkle can be beneficial in curing illness. This has increased Jed's social life expoentially, as chicks really dig "dudes who run with the boars." The problem: will he have enough time left after romance to research?

Claire Nathan is looking at the pot of periwinkle in her window and wondering how she might increase the vincristine potential of periwinkle so that it takes less of it to produce the drug. Or maybe even other drugs. She's going to check out FarmVille to see if there are any fertilizer hints there. She's considing using "spring eggs" on the periwinkle.

The bottom line: periwinkle might cure what ails you.

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