Monday, June 21, 2010

another out of place post & a possible break

I just posted "Things Are Not Always as They Seem," on Monday, June 21, but Blogger placed it on Saturday, after my notice that the episode of the rubber chicken was out of place. Sorry...

This is getting a bit irritating. I'm thinking about taking a break from Periwinkle Chronicles, anyway. I started it in part to amuse my friends and anyone else who might stumble across it, and in part to hold onto what is left of my sanity. My sanity and writing seem to be connected, much more so than my sanity and mowing the yard. But I have several other writing projects now, and only a couple of hours of mental acuity each day, so it might be best to hang my sanity on those projects rather than PC. We'll see...


  1. Your blog is the bright spot in my day, the rubber chicken in my road. I hope you don't abandon it entirely.

  2. Oh, goodness, that makes it very difficult to abandon. I'll just have to look for more rubber chickens...
