Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who Watches the Watchers?

Todd Williams has a job with the census. Not just a regular census job, counting. He follows around after the census takers, making sure they actually do their interviews, with real people, and that they don't just make up the information.

That does not exactly make him popular. The counters don't like the idea that he is checking on them. The counted don't like to take the time to talk to two rounds of census people. But it's necessary, the Census Bureau says. Otherwise, how would they know if the information they get is accurate, or just estimates, or worse, of some counter who is sitting home watching "Judge Judy" while filling out false forms.

Mathama Gandhi used to say that "Americans dream of systems so perfect that nobody has to be good." There is no such system, and somebody has to regulate the regulated and govern the governors and watch the watchers.

So Todd Williams slogs on, checking on the checkers, and sometimes looks over his shoulder, wondering who is watching him...

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