Monday, June 28, 2010

The SMQ Abyss & Umami

The carpet cleaners are coming tomorrow. Claire Nathan is getting ready by cleaning all the carpets and waxing the non-carpeted floors. Randall said, "Wouldn't it make more sense to let the carpet cleaners clean the carpets and wax the other surfaces after they are done dragging their big machines over them?" Claire just looked at him. That was when he realized he had stumbled once again into the SMQ abyss. [Stupid-Man-Question]

It seems to happen more frequently as he ages, the yawning of the SMQ abyss.

Randall was helping behind the counter at Good to the Last Slop Coffee House and Colonoscopy Clinic earlier, along with Julie Wagler, since the owner is a "former" CIA operative who is on "vacation" in Mogadishu. It takes both of them since Randall can make change, having gone to school before computers, and Julie belongs to the CCC [Certified Colon Cleansers]. Most people ask that Randall hand them their muffins.

The persimmon pruners and bed wetters came in for their break. Charley Bob Diamond is working as a persimmon pruner, hoping to make it up to ionizer before the summer is over, when he has to return to college for his sophomore year. He's sweet on Quanella Kochtitzky, who is a bed wetter, so he has been teaching her what he learned in his freshman year.

Naturally, she asked Randall if the muffins contained any umami.

"Why would we put members of an African tribe in our muffins?" he replied.

Quanella archly informed him that umami is that neglected fifth sense of taste, along with sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, but it's the one that gives "body" to taste.

"Didn't I just tell you we don't put bodies in our muffins?" he asked.


[The bed wetters water the flower beds in Smitty Park.]

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