Friday, January 8, 2010


Mick Richard's wife has put the Whistle & Thistle off limits to him. But when he was riding by on his way home from work, he saw that Bobcat Whistle had a new sign out: HD TV. Mick wasn't aware that HD was available anywhere in Periwinkle County. He went in. It surely did look like the same old Big Ass [TM] TV.

"That's no HD TV," he said.

"Sure it is," said Edith, Bobcat's wife. ["I'm the Whistle, she's the thistle," Bobcat has always said about the name of their biker bar and tea house. Edith usually has reason to be prickly, since she does the work while Bobcat "hosts."]

Bobcat claims his name is really Bobcat, and those who know his parents believe it. Ochre and Possum Whistle are hippies from the '60s. They are now in their late 70s, but they still wear the same clothes they did in the '60s. Bobcat remembers a little from when he was small. He thinks their names were really Omar and Blossom, but their brains were spiritually altered by the communion elements of the religious services they had with their friends. Along the way, their names got altered, too, and they didn't notice the difference.

"You just need to adjust it with that knob on the front there," Edith told Mick Richard.

Mick took hold of the knob. Apparently some wires had gotten crossed. He felt a current go up his arm.

"Hot! Damn!" he yelled.

"See," said Edith. "HD."

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