Friday, March 12, 2010

In the spring a young man's fancy...

"In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love," wrote Alfred, Lord Tennyson. He had not met 15-year-old Charley Bob Cobb, for whom spring is 13 months long. He falls in love with Ashley in the morning and by the time school is out he's head over heels about Heather. So it is, every day. Only the names change. Today it is Willow who has caught his fancy, primarily because she acts like he does not exist. Most of the girls in school act like he does not exist, but none does it with as much hauteur and elegance as Willow.

In the spring, an old woman's fancy turns to thoughts of remembrance. Jenny Newland stares out the window at the fading snow and thinks about the past, specifically yesterday morning. "Where in hell did I put the peanut butter?" she asks herself.

Then she notices that Jake is at the cupboard. "Get the peanut butter while you're in there, Jake," she says. Many moonpies later, Jake says, "I can't find it."

"You can't remember where you put anything," Jenny says. "You've got to look behind things. It's not going to have a flashing neon sign that blinks off and on saying PEANUT BUTTER! You'd better find that before I need it next."

Jake, of course, never uses peanut butter since he is allergic, but Jenny figures he won't remember that and so will keep on looking.

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