Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Periwinkle Olympics

Periwinkle County's favorite son, Percy Smith III, "The Flying Persimmon," is participating in the Olympics in Vancouver, trying to win a medal in the Hammel Biathlon, which is building a snowman while sking downhill. It is named for the writer who created the sport on his very first ski run. Also, Percy's grandfather, Percy Smith I, "The Flaming Persimmon," is participating in the sauna competition.

This has inspired those left behind in PC to stage their own version of the Winter Olympics. The Hurling competition is held in the parking lot of The Whistle & Thistle Biker Bar and Tea House. The 3-legged ski race is going on in The Tetons Bleu Mountains, on the east side of Periwinkle, adjoining Alps County, or Alpo County, as the Italian-Americans in Verdi County call it. And, of course, there is the famous Reverse Dog Sled races, in which people pull the sleds while the dogs ride.

Most importantly, though, there is The Sinking Pickup event. Drivers go out onto Lake Winamedal and drive at great speeds, looking for the place where the ice is thin enough to swallow the pickup. The first pickup driver through the ice gets the gold medal, plus a prize of 3 days at the Indiginous Idiot Treatment Center.

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