Friday, February 19, 2010

To Ad or Not To Ad

My granddaughter has encouraged me to let Google put ads on the Periwinkle Chronicles page. Since I am a wealthy retired preacher, I have no need of more money myself, but it would be nice to make a little to give to my charities. [If we do allow ads, we cannot say that the money goes to charity, since Google is not set up to send it directly to a charity and cannot verify how it is spent once it goes to the blogger.]

Google, or AdSense, will select which ads to use, "according to the content of the web site." It's hard to imagine what ads would be appropriate to the content of PC!

Google will not say exactly how much they pay per "click," but just that they want the blogger to make more money than s/he would elsewhere. In my case, of course, that's not difficult.

I started writing PC just for fun, mine and yours. I'm hesitant to complicate the PC prophet motive with the profit motive. However, it would be nice to tap outside sources for money for good causes.

So, please, my faithful Followers & readers, let me know what you think. You can use the Comments box, which sometimes doesn't work, or contact me directly via email or Face Book. Thanks.


  1. I think complicating it with a profit motive is a mistake. You're just contributing to the world domination of Google. I think there are better ways of raising money for worthwhile causes - ways that leave the Googlemonster out of it. JMO

  2. Perhaps this? "Web Sites Donate Ads for Good Causes"

  3. Thank you, Whize. I wasn't aware of this. I'll check it out.
