Monday, January 3, 2011

Kris Krindle

Periwinkle Chronicles, tales of the citizens of Periwinkle [because all the other colors were already taken] County:

Jed Bozos, in his room in the basement of his parents’ house on Blue Bayou, invented a new electronic book reader especially for Christmas giving. He calls it the “Kris Krindle.” It will freeload any Christmas story ever published, in any language.

It does have a few glitches. It won’t load Christmas stories that include zombies, for instance.

“Whoever heard of a Christmas without zombies?” groused Jed’s mother, as she threw her new Kris Krindle into the trash can on Maine Street.

That was where Stephen King found it, since he lives on Maine Street when he comes to Periwinkle County for the winter Zombie Fest.

“Hmm,” mused the King of horror, [not to be confused with Hugh Hefner]. Then he discovered another glitch. The reader can “adjust” the stories so they come out any way shehe wants them to. Now every Christmas story in the world, regardless of language, includes a writer who is trapped in a shiny out-of-the-way hotel that is hosting a prom in a field of corn and…

May all your 2011 zombies be vetetarians,
A wish from the folks of Periwinkle County

[“Christ in Winter,” reflections on faith for people in the winter of their years, can be found at]

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